That's right, we only sell 100% organic

  • Chennai, Tamil Nadu
  • +91 86102 99125
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Meet Mogro Plant Science Pvt. Ltd.

Mogro Plant Science Pvt. Ltd. is a leading agribusiness enterprise in Tamil Nadu, with its corporate headquarters in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. The company is engaged in the marketing of a comprehensive range of agricultural inputs, including insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, and plant growth regulators. These products are preferred by farmers across India.

The company will focus on branding and promotional activities to generate brand pull among farmers. The vision and mission of the company are to improve crop yields by marketing products that serve this purpose, enhance productivity per acre, improve soil conditions, and overall contribute to the success of farmers in their financial position.

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+91 86102 99125

Maagro Plant Growth Booster


Maagro-Stimulating Growth:

Maagro is a product that stimulates growth of plants by activating roots for better absorption of nutrients and water, better ability to photosynthesis and improve yields Maagro's blend of seaweed extracts, amino acids,humic acids and fulvic acids promotes vigorous growth, benefiting new shoots, flowering, grain / fruit formation, and result in a bumper harvest.

  • Tolerance:

    Amino and fulvic acids activate defense enzyme systems, increasing stress tolerance.

  • Absorption:

    Improves nutrient absorption, ensuring plants receive essential elements for their well-being and vitality.

  • Robust root formation:

    Maagro promotes robust rooting and enhanced absorption of nutrients for formation of more shoots and more grains leading to better yields.

  • Complete organic:

    Maagro being organic leaves no residues, making it suitable for use at any stage of crop growth.


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